Jesus – the Bread of Life – John 6:56-69
What’s the meaning of Jesus’ strange teaching about eating his flesh and drinking his blood in John chapter 6? Is it just “take communion” or is there even more to it?
What’s the meaning of Jesus’ strange teaching about eating his flesh and drinking his blood in John chapter 6? Is it just “take communion” or is there even more to it?
Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” What does life in all its fullness look like for Christians in lockdown today?
How do we navigate this new reality of the Covid-19 lockdown, when all those things that seemed so important, have vanished right into the air? What does God thing of Covid-19, and what might he want us to be learning through it?
Did Jesus really rise from the grave? We explore the evidence and consider what it means for us today.
What one thing would make you truly happy?
If God asked you “What must you do to have eternal life?” what would you say?