Read highlights from the regular “Big Questions” section in the Bridge Magazine.

Adapted from an article first published in the Bridge Magazine, October 2019 What does the Bible say about the environment? Burning Amazonian rainforest has been one of the year’s saddest environmental stories. In the first eight months of 2019, an area 25 times the size of Worcestershire was burned! What’s ...

Worldwide, the UK Church already does an enormous amount to help the poor: everything from famine relief in Africa, to foodbanks here in the UK. In recent years I’ve come across churches running community nursing projects in UK urban areas, building homes for the homeless in Mexico, funding orphanages for ...

Adapted from an article first published in the Bridge Magazine, September 2019 What does the Bible say about Heaven? For a lot of people, the word “Heaven” conjures up images of white-clad angels sitting around on clouds playing harps: an old-style Philadelphia cheese advert on steroids. But is that really ...

Why do they keep moving Easter? Every year I always enjoy reading fake April Fools stories in the newspapers. Here’s my favourite from last year, from a Devon newspaper, which claimed the Pope has postponed April Fools Day 2018 because of the clash with Easter Sunday. Quoting Papal spokesperson Pesce ...

Is God a she? My daughter started studying at Durham University last week scene of the latest round of our culture’s gender war. Not content with forcing the sacking of the assistant editor of Critique, the university’s philosophy journal for the transphobic hate crime of sharing an article[i] from the ...

Do all religions lead to God? The belief that all religions are merely different paths up the same mountain is something of a cultural norm today. It’s often taught in schools to undergird the so-called “British” values of tolerance and respect, things which are surely essential in a multicultural society ...

Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Someone recently told me he needed scientific proof before he could believe that Jesus rose from the dead. The problem is, it’s impossible to study past events under laboratory conditions! Thankfully there are ways to probe the past: our legal system depends on ...

Does the Bible condone slavery? Someone once asked me, “Doesn’t the Bible condone slavery?” He’d been reading some bits of the Bible (in the books of Exodus, Leviticus and Philemon) and couldn’t find anything saying slavery was wrong. He therefore concluded that the Bible condones slavery. Was he right? Let’s ...

Are Christians inconsistent about laws in the Old Testament? Sometimes Christians get accused of picking and choosing which Old Testament laws they want to obey. For example, the Old Testament outlaws the eating of shellfish, and the wearing of mixed fabrics – yet many Christians today say it’s okay to ...

How does God feel about the Grenfell Tower disaster? A few days after 9/11, I heard a Christian preacher describe the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre as a punishment from God. I heard something similar said of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. One particularly graceless American preacher called it ...