Those Generous Philippians: Philippians 4:10-23
The Philippians were an incredibly generous church, a pleasing fragrant aroma to the Lord. How can we be like them today?
The Philippians were an incredibly generous church, a pleasing fragrant aroma to the Lord. How can we be like them today?
The world is worrying itself to death, yet the BIble boasts of a contentment that can withstand any hardship. What is it? How do we find and develop it?
Why do Christians worry? What can we do about it? In this sermon we explore a wonderful promise given by a death-row Christian about the peace of Christ.
Why do some Christians thrive in adversity, yet others shrink and fall?How can we stand firm?
What do you think Christianity is primarily about? Jesus, or your tradition of worship?
What sort of legacy are we building for our lives? What can we learn about legacy building from the examples of Timothy and Epaphroditus in Philippians 2?
In this sermon we take a look at the danger of pride and how Jesus can show us a better way.
In this sermon we explore how what can make us truly content and satisfied in life.
In this sermon we discover the bible-meaning for the word Saint and how Jesus makes it possible for us all to be saints, even if the church says we can’t be!
Feeling spiritually dry? In this sermon we explore the wise words Jesus has for the church in Ephesus to help it overcome spiritual dryness.