Who Made God?

Who Made God?

Let me say straight-away that this question isn’t so much a critique of Christianity, as a great way to critique any notion of God.

So who made God? Well one possible answer might be “Super-God” (because surely you’d need something even greater than God to create Him.) But that doesn’t really solve the problem because the next question we’d have to ask is “Who created Super God?” (Super Super God anyone?) And we could carry on that way forever.

So how do we answer the question? Well as with any question we need to define our terms – so when I’m asked this question, I want to know,

What do you mean by “god”?

And the reason I want to know this is because this question cannot be answered without first defining who God is. So let’s play around with some different definitions of the word “god” to show you what I mean.

Suppose by “god” we mean someone like Zeus, the greatest of the gods of Greek mythology. And who made Zeus? Answer: His father, Cronos! Zeus is a god who was created by some other entity. That’s how the gods of the Greek mythology worked. They were created from the Titans, who were created from the Primordial gods. Who emerged from Chaos. (You’ll have to ask a Greek philosopher how that one works…)

Now let’s define “god” differently – and we’ll use the definition that Christians (and Jews and Muslims) have used down through the ages:  that God is “the uncreated creator of all things.” So with this definition, who made God? Answer – “No one!” Because God is the uncreated creator of all things.

By now you’re probably thinking “Hang on a minute Barry, haven’t you just assumed your answer in the question?” Yes I have! But to be fair – everyone who asks this question assumes their answer in the question.

The atheist using the question to critique a Christian, Muslim or Jew asks the question because they assume god is like Zeus – a being created by some other entity. To put it in technical terms, they’re assuming that god is subject to the principle of causality  (that “Everything that has a beginning has a sufficient cause”).

The Christian responding to the question also makes an assumption: that God is the uncreated creator, and therefore not subject to the principle of causality (indeed I’d argue he invented it).

So where does this leave us? Well mainly it shows us that “Who made god?” isn’t a very good question. And hopefully it challenges us all – whatever we believe – to think in greater depth about the assumptions we bring to the big questions we have about life the universe and everything!

If you’d like to explore the question “Who made God?” more than I’d recommend Professor Edgar Andrews book, Who Made God: Searching for a Theory of Everything“, (EP Books, Darlington, 2009) Professor Andrews is Emeritus Professor of Materials at Queen Mary, University of London and writes in a lively and accessible style.

This article appeared in the February 2017 issue of the Bridge Magazine and was the first in a new series called Big Questions.

Beer & Ethics

Join us for Beer and Ethics!

What? – A chance for some grown-up discussion on issues that people encounter every day in their professional lives.

Who with? – Members of our own community and wider church

Where? St Mary’s Church heated Lechmere Chapel, with a beer in the hand (or a glass of wine) a

When?  Starting 8pm, then from 9.00pm in the Three Kings afterwards for further chat.

Why? Traditionally Lent is time for reflection and thought, and discussion , so why not?

Topics and Dates

Wednesday 8th March PROFESSIONAL SPORT
Peter Walton, Scottish Rugby, Newcastle RC coach English U18 Coach & Manager

Monday 13th March CRIMINAL JUSTICE
Sir Nicholas Lechmere, High Sheriff for Worcestershire

An opportunity to discuss the outcome of General Synod with Sue Adeney, member of General Synod.

Tuesday 28th March PLANNING & HOUSING
Mrs Nickie Inchbald Group Chair Rooftop Housing Assoc

The Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Dudley and board member of the Human Tissue Authority

Everyone is welcome!

God, Science and a Post-Truth Nativity

If you spend any time on social media, reading the comments of what policy-makers like to call “opinion formers”, you will encounter many furrowed brows. There is grave concern about the times in which we live. Our problems apparently stem from ignorant people voting the wrong way on the basis of being misinformed about the facts. They’ve been given “fake news” invented by mud-slinging liars. Or, worse, they’ve looked at true facts and are unmoved or unconvinced. Surely facts should end any debate?

This state of affairs should be no great surprise. We have been living in a society which has been rejecting absolute truth for decades. It began in academia with post-modernism, and so slowly spread to the rest of our culture. Truth with a capital “T” has been undermined for decades. So now when presented with facts, why shouldn’t people shrug or ignore what has been put in front of them?

Moreover, when Truth is demoted or destroyed, what do we expect to emerge other than lies? Our media lies, telling lies about our leaders who in turn lie to the media, sometimes about the media and other things too. It is clear that our nation has never been hungrier for truth.

[This is part of an article by James Cary at www.thegoodbook.co.uk You can read the rest here.]
Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals