Join us for our annual Good Friday “hot cross bun” all-age service as we think about the meaning of Jesus dying on the cross.

Today’s service is lead by Alison Martin. And before you start the video you should know – you’ll be making something – so you might want to have a few ingredients handy (and remember you can also pause the video while you do things!) For this activity you’ll need some round biscuits, icing sugar or jam/syrup/chocolate sauce or even some chocolate to melt. And some little sweets, cake decorations like silver balls, hundreds and thousands to mini-marshmallows – really you can use anything you find. You’ll also need a teaspoon!

If you have difficulties playing the video through our website, or if you’d like to chat back to us, then leave us a comment, via the Hope Church Family Youtube Channel here.

Here’s the video…and remember you can make it “full screen” by clicking the [ ] box in the bottom right corner of the video.

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