Life in all its fullness – John 10:1-10 – 3 May 2020
Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” What does life in all its fullness look like for Christians in lockdown today?
Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” What does life in all its fullness look like for Christians in lockdown today?
Leaving the past behind is never easy. The consequences of a lie told. The harm caused by an act of violence. The disappointment of a promise broken. We all have mistakes and failures in our pasts. Yet the staggering claim Jesus is making all through Mark’s gospel is that he can wipe our past clean and give us a new beginning in life.
Jesus is good news, bring hope in the face of hopelessness.
Greatness is not about power or status or celebrity, it’s about sacrifice. What can the sacrifice made by past generations teach us about life today?
In this sermon we discover the bible-meaning for the word Saint and how Jesus makes it possible for us all to be saints, even if the church says we can’t be!
Did Jesus really rise from the grave? We explore the evidence and consider what it means for us today.
If God asked you “What must you do to have eternal life?” what would you say?
How can we ever know contentment if we define ourselves by our possessions? Jesus offers us a better way….
Advent is a time of preparation – not just for Christmas but also for the return of Jesus. Are you ready? How do you stay ready? What are you getting ready for and what does readiness even mean?
Today I’m going to try to show you how Jesus answers no less than six of life’s biggest questions!