Palm Sunday Service, contemporary

Welcome to Hope Church Family’s virtual Sunday Service.

Today’s Palm Sunday service is led by Rev’d Barry Unwin, and is based around Jesus ascent into Jerusalem in Matthew 21:1-17. Everything you need for the service is included in the video.

All songs in the video copyright their original artists.

You can either play the video through our website, or via our Youtube Channel (“HopeChurchFamily Upton“) where you can also leave comments.

Palm Sunday Service (with hymns)

Welcome to Hope Church Family’s virtual Sunday Service.

Today’s Palm Sunday service is led by Rev’d Barry Unwin, and is based around Jesus ascent into Jerusalem in Matthew 21:1-17. Everything you need for the service is included in the video.

All hymns in the video copyright their original artists.

You can either play the video through our website, or via our Youtube Channel (“HopeChurchFamily Upton“) where you can also leave comments.


Christmas Services