Dear Friends,

As the government begins to relax the Coronavirus Lockdown, it’s time for us to think about how we restart our church services. It will be hard to go back to how things were before Coronavirus, and before we start to think about what the future pattern of activities should be, it would be really helpful to know if there are things we’ve been doing during lockdown that we should continue when it ends.

To help answer that question, I’ve designed a short survey which I’m sending to everyone on our regular mailing list, inviting you to help us shape our future service and online church provision.

The survey is nice and short, only eight questions, anonymous, and shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes to complete. But those five minutes can make a real difference to our planning – so if you are willing to help please click this link to go to the survey.


Rev’d Barry Unwin
Priest in Charge, Upton with the Hook, Ripple, Earls Croome with Hill Croome and Strensham, Hanley Castle with Hanley Swan, and Welland

Christmas Services